Formation de plongée Nitrox PADI
Le plongeur qui suit la formation NITROX PADI aura par la suite la possibilité de faire remplir ses cylindres avec des mélanges contenant de 22% à 40% d'oxygène rendant ainsi sa plongée beaucoup plus sécuritaire.
Le plongeur qui suit la formation NITROX PADI aura par la suite la possibilité de faire remplir ses cylindres avec des mélanges contenant de 22% à 40% d’oxygène rendant ainsi sa plongée beaucoup plus sécuritaire.
Ce que vous apprenez
• Techniques pour prolonger son temps de plongée en utilisant l’air enrichi nitrox.
• Considérations sur l’équipement de plongée sous-marine à l’air enrichi.
• Considérations sur l’air enrichi, y compris la gestion de l’exposition à l’oxygène, l’identification du gaz contenu dans votre bloc de plongée et le réglage de votre ordinateur de plongée.
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Who should take this course?
The PADI Enriched Air Diver course is PADI’s most popular specialty scuba course. Why? Because scuba diving with enriched air nitrox gives you more no decompression time, especially on repetitive scuba dives. If staying down longer and getting back in the water sooner sounds appealing, then don’t hesitate to become an enriched air diver.
If you’re a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver who is at least 12 years old, you can enroll in the Enriched Air Diver Specialty course. Note that in some regions the minimum age is older than 12.
What will you learn?
You’ll learn why diving with air that has higher oxygen and lower nitrogen content gives you more bottom time, along with enriched air equipment considerations. During a practical session you’ll:
Discuss managing oxygen exposure.
Practice analyzing oxygen content in your scuba tank.
Set your dive computer for diving with enriched air nitrox.
You may be able to get college credit for the PADI Enriched Air Diver course – ask your instructor to learn more.
What gear will you use?
Most modern scuba equipment and dive computers can be used with enriched air, but your PADI Instructor will let you know if your gear meets manufacturer recommendations and local requirements. However, scuba tanks must meet oxygen service standards and be dedicated for use with enriched air. You’ll practice using oxygen analyzers and special cylinder decals. Your PADI Dive Center or Resort staff will explain other equipment you may need to enjoy enriched air diving.
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Papier et crayon.
Pen and paper.